


Monday or Wednesday 19:15 - 21:15

10 Weeks 


Course Overview 

Beginners:          Wednesday 19:15 - 21:15

Bonjour! Learn basic French in 10 simple classes.  The course covers a variety of topics while practicing French conversation in a simple way with other French speakers. You will learn lots of really useful vocabulary such as numbers, days of the week, months of the year and telling the time. Other everyday topics include family, weather, shopping, ordering food, directions, travel, booking accommodation, health and hobbies. This is an ideal course for those who wish to begin learning French for the first time and will set you up perfectly for holidaying in France.

This course is for those that want to improve their conversational French. The course will cover every day conversations and look at up to date topics. 

Intermediate:       Monday 19:15 - 21:15

This course is suitable for intermediate French speakers. They should have completed the beginners French course or something similar. 

The course provides students with the opportunity to actively practice and develop oral communication while expanding their vocabulary. Throughout the course students will  express opinions, plan, describe experiences and discuss events through various topics  (eg. family, hobbies, work, travel, current events).

Tutor Details

Coming soon!
