Mindfulness Meditation

Mixed Ability



20:00 - 21:00

10 Weeks 


Course Overview 

In this Mindfulness class we’ll practice some guided meditations and explore the science and theory that underpins the practice. Much of the time our minds are lost in thought, caught up in the past or worrying about the future. This can create a low-level of continuous stress in our bodies that, when left unattended, can build into bigger stresses and even disease. 

Mindfulness is a scientifically proven way of dealing with stress, managing anxiety and controlling depression. It is also used in addiction rehab, and in the treatment of a range of other mental and physical illnesses. When you are going through challenging periods in your life, mindfulness can help you deal with the worry. It also offers us ways to bring more joy and ease to our lives.

​This course is for anyone interested in learning about mindfulness or beginning a meditation practice. If you have experience of mindfulness its an opportunity to deepen your practice.

During the course, participants will be offered a range of short meditation practices and practical techniques to help them to bring mindfulness more into everyday life. The classes will be light-hearted and relaxed.

Tutor Details

Michele Van Valey has been teaching Mindfulness and Yoga for more than 20 years. She holds a MSc in Mindfulness Based Interventions from UCD and is currently studying to become a Psychotherapist. You can read more about Michele here https://michelevanvaley.com/mindfulness/