CBT for Weight loss

Wednesday 20:00 - 21:15

8 Weeks 


Course Overview 

If you have tried many diets before but found it difficult to stay motivated; if after a few weeks you give up and gain most or all of the weight you lost back on, this course is for you.  This constant cycle of weight loss and weight gain is difficult and frustrating and can leave you feeling helpless, unhappy, and with very low self-esteem. Maretta will show you how to stay motivated, stop that inner sabotaging voice, deal with triggers and emotional eating and give you nutritional guidelines that will keep you full and stop cravings.


Adding CBT to any weight loss programme has been proven in hundreds of studies to be more effective than diet and exercise alone. 

CBT is clinical psychological approach to help you make habit changes and stop that inner voice that  keep sabotaging your best efforts.

Any realistic diet will work as long as you have the right attitude, which is where CBT for weight loss can benefit. The CBT for weight loss programme can help you to choose appropriate and use suitable eating behaviours. These will become consistent and permanent by learning to make long-lasting changes to the way that. 

Tutor Details: Maretta Byrne

Maretta Byrne MIACP, Cognitive Behaviour Therapist (CBT), Counselling Psychotherapist, Mind over Body Weight Management Therapist.

​Contact: 087 6307139 or Email: therapistmarettabyrne@gmail.com

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